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*Last name change to Peterson from Longua in 2011 (Undergraduate co-authors underlined)


Kellogg, D., DeHart, T., Peterson, J.L., & Hamilton, H.R. (2023). Dating

during the time of COVID-19: Risk perceptions and political ideology.  Social and Personality Psychology Compass


Peterson, J.L., Hamilton, H.R., DeHart, T., Kellogg, D., & Morgan, M. (2023). Love

Sick:  Attachment Anxiety and COVID-era Romantic Encounters in College Students. Emerging Adulthood


Hamilton, H., Peterson, J.L. & DeHart, T (2022). COVID-19 in college: Risk perception and

planned protective behavior. Journal of American College Health


Hamilton, H., DeHart, T., Burrows, T., & Peterson, J.L. (2022). "Do I like you? Effects of

daily negative events and implicit self-esteem on daily implicit partner regard. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-12,


Peterson, J.L., DeHart, T., Bellows, A., Guigere, B., & Sherman, J. (2019). Partner self-esteem

and interpersonal risk: Rejection from a low self-esteem partner constrains connection and increases depletion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 80, 17-30.


Peterson, J.L., Giguere, B., & Sherman, J.  (2017). Social connection and social

networking: Daily conflict increases nightly Facebook use among avoidant participants. Self and Identity, 16, 215-230, DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2016.1247011.


Peterson, J.L., Bellows, A. & Peterson, S. (2015).  Promoting connection: Perspective-

taking improves relationship closeness and perceived regard in participants with low implicit self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 160-164.


DeHart, T., Peterson, J.L., Richeson, J.A., & Hamilton, H. (2014). A diary study of daily

perceived mistreatment and alcohol consumption in college students. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36, 443-451.


Peterson, J.L. & DeHart, T. (2014). In defense of self-love:  An observational study on

narcissists’ negative behavior during romantic relationship conflict. Self and Identity, 13,477-490.


Peterson, J.L. (2014). Explicit thoughts of security activate implicit self-doubt in anxiously

attached participants. Personal Relationships, 21, 206-224.


Peterson, J.L. & DeHart, T. (2013).  Regulating connection: Implicit self-esteem predicts

positive nonverbal behavior during romantic relationship-threat. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 99-105.


DeHart, T., Longua, J., & Smith, J. (2011). To enhance or protect the self?: The complex role

of explicit and implicit self-esteem.  In Mark Alicke and Constantine Sedikides (Eds.), The Handbook of Self-Enhancement and Self-protection.  New York: Guilford Press.


Longua, J., DeHart, T., Tennen, H., & Armeli, S. (2009).  Personality moderates the

interaction between positive and negative daily events predicting negative affect and stress.  Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 547-555.




Peterson, J.L., Hamiltion, H.R., DeHart, T., Kellogg, D., & Morgan, M. (under review). Love

Sick:  Attachment Anxiety and COVID-era Romantic Encounters in College Students


Sherman, J., Peterson, J.L., Deveau, M. & Bryan, V. (under review). College women are willing to pay more for cosmetic products following threat.




Hamiltion, H.R., Peterson, J.L., DeHart, T., Kellogg, D. (in preparation).  Tired and worried:

The role of sleep in the risk regulation model.


SELECTED RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (Undergraduate co-authors underlined) 


Kellogg, D., DeHart, T, Peterson, J.L., & Hamilton, H. (2022). Politics, Perceived Risk, and

Dating during the Time of COVID. Midwestern Psychological Association annual

meeting, Chicago IL.


Authier, S., Williams, E.., Jewett, B., Christian, H. & Peterson, J.L. (2021). Implicit self- 

esteem moderates the effect of ageism on relationship closeness in older adults. Eastern  

Psychological Association annual meeting, Virtual. 


Sherman, J., Hirt, E., & Peterson, J.L. (2021). Validation of the Lay Theories of Close  

Relationship Measure.  Midwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, Virtual. 


Hamilton, H., DeHart, T., Burrows, A. & Peterson, J.L., (2021). Explicit and implicit self-esteem  

uniquely influence daily risk regulation. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual meeting, Virtual.   


Jewett, B., Williams, E., Deveau, M., Authier, S. & Peterson, J.L. (2020). Attachment anxiety  

moderates the effect of sexism on approval of casual sex. New England Psychological Association annual meeting, Virtual. 


Peterson, J.L.Deveau, M., Sherman, J., & Christian, H. (2020).  Easy, Breezy, Beautiful?  

College Women Are Willing to Pay More Money for Cosmetic Products in Response to Identity Threats. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.  Winner, SPSP Teacher-Scholar Award 


Christian, H. & Peterson, J.L. (2020).  Gossip Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away:  The Benefits  

of Gossip in the Daily Life of Older Adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 


Sherman, J., Hirt, E., & Peterson, J. (2020). I Have No Room for You: Lay Theories of  

Relational Identity Capacity and Fear of Identity Loss.  Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 


Peterson, J.L. (2018).  Regulating connection: The intrapersonal and interpersonal factors that

predict people’s willingness to risk closeness.  Invited colloquium, University of New Hampshire 


Deveau, M., Christian, H., Colarossi, K., Durkee, L., & Peterson, J.L. (2018).  The

independent and interactive effects of gender and narcissism on college student engagement with Facebook and Snapchat. New England Psychology Association, Southern New Hampshire University


Christian, H., Deveau, M., Symonds, A. & Peterson, J.L. (2018). Forever young: Narcissism,

interpersonal rejection, and anti-aging cream.  New England Psychology Association, Southern New Hampshire University


Peterson, J.L., Symonds, A. (2018).  Rediscovery and loss of self after breakup:  The indirect

and interactive roles of self-esteem and family/friend relationships. International Association of Relationships Research Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.


Peterson, J.L., Symonds, A., Durkee, L. & Wuedeman, E. (2018). Rejection sensitivity

predicts inclusion of friends in the self-concept in response to romantic potential and romantic dissolution. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.


Symonds, A., Durkee, L., Wuerdeman, Peterson, J. L. (2018). Implicit self-esteem and loss of

self after romantic breakup. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. *Winner CUR travel award


Durkee, L., Symonds, A., Wuerdeman, E., Peterson, J. L. (2018). The power of touch: People

high in the need to belong become approving of casual sex following a physical touch manipulation. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

*Winner CUR travel award


Symonds, A., Durkee, L., Wuerdeman, E., Deveau, M., Peterson, J. L. (2017). The potential

for romantic connection helps people high in anxiety reduce cognitive closeness to ex-romantic partners. New England Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Newton, MA.


Symonds, A., Durkee, L., Wuerdeman, E., Peterson, J. L. (2017). Relationship commitment

influences self-expansion following relationship threat. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.


Peterson, J.L., Sherman, J., & DeHart, T. (October 2016). Rejection reduces connection-related

thoughts and behavior among people with low self-esteem partners. Paper presented at Mainely Data annual conference, Waterville, ME


Symonds, A., Durkee, L. & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2016). The potential for a new romantic

relationship increases implicit self-esteem among rejection sensitive participants. Mainely Data annual conference, Waterville, ME


Peterson, J.L., Sherman, J., Casazza, J., & DeHart, T. (July 2016). Regulating connection to a

low self-esteem partner:  Relationship-threat inhibits connection-related thoughts and behavior.  Paper presented at International Association for Relationships Research annual conference, Toronto, Canada


Sherman, J., Cassazza, J., & Peterson, J.L. (March, 2016). Mate-value threat predicts women’s

attitudes toward make-up, cosmetic surgery, and sex. Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY


Sherman, J., Cassazza, J., & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2015). I want you to want me: Mate-value

threat predicts self-esteem, sex, and cosmetic surgery. New England Psychological Association, Fitchburg, MA


Mazzariello, A., Symonds, A., Durkee, L., & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2015). Helping others

increases perceptions of partner responsiveness and willingness to be vulnerable. New England Psychological Association, Fitchburg, MA


Cassazza, J., Sherman, J., & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2015). The effect of mate-value threat on

narcissists’ intentions to engage in healthy eating. New England Psychological Association, Fitchburg, MA


Peterson, J.L. & Giguere, B. (June 2015). Attachment Style, interpersonal conflict, and social

networking: A daily diary methodology.  International Association for Relationships

Research mini-conference, New Brunswick, NJ


Bryan, V. & Peterson, J.L. (May, 2015). Attachment priming improves body-related

perceptions.  Mainely Data (Some Theory…), Biddeford, ME.


Bellows, A., Durkee, L., Symonds, A., & Peterson, J.L. (May, 2015). Perceiving close others

as insecure may reduce connection seeking behaviors. Mainely Data (Some Theory…), Biddeford, ME.


Sherman, J., Casazza, J., Mazzariello, A., & Peterson, J.L. (May, 2015).  Body-esteem is not

just a women’s issue: Attachment anxiety predicts body-esteem decreases in men following rejection. Mainely Data (Some Theory…), Biddeford, ME.


Peterson, J.L. & DeHart, T. (March, 2014). In defense of self-love: narcissists’ negative

behavior during romantic relationship conflict. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.


Peterson, J.L. & DeHart, T. (February, 2015) Narcissists’ negative behavior during romantic

relationship threat. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.


Peterson, J.L., Bellows, A., & Peterson, S. (February, 2015).  Promoting connection:

Perspective-taking improves relationship closeness and perceived regard in participants with low implicit self-esteem. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.


Bryan, V. & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2014). Blame it on the alcohol: Night-time drinking and

conflict predicts next day  self-esteem. New England Psychological Association. Bates College, Lewistown, ME.


Sherman, J., Bryan, V., Casazza, J., & Peterson, J.L. (October, 2014). Social rejection and its effect on body-esteem in individuals high and low in attachment anxiety.  New England Psychological Association. Bates College, Lewistown, ME.


Peterson, J.L.,  Morgan, M., McCarthy, M., & Koopman, A. (2024). Single, secure, and

worried:  Reminders of COVID-19 decrease approval of casual sex and increase fears of being single among securely attached adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting. San Diego, CA


Hamilton, H., Peterson, J.L., DeHart, T. (2024). Rested and connected? The role of sleep and

felt acceptance in interpersonal connection among older adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting. San Diego, CA




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